ඉන්ජිනෙරුවන් වෙනුවට වාස්තු විද්යඥයන් අනිවාර්ය කිරීමෙන් සැලසුම් ශිල්පීන්ගේ රැකියා අවස්ථා අහිමිවේ. මල කෙළියයි!
info thanks to [a]rchitectonics
nice thing is its mentioned that there are about 500 Char. Archis in sri lanka. But except for a few guys what is the difference between the rest and the drafees !!!
nice thing is its mentioned that there are about 500 Char. Archis in sri lanka. But except for a few guys what is the difference between the rest and the drafees !!!