Saturday, May 21, 2011

sahara forest project moves from concept to reality

Image from 

How can large-scale revegetation through profitable production of food, freshwater, biomass and electricity be achieved?
 The team behind the Sahara Forest Project has developed a combination of proven technologies that bring along highly beneficial synergies, allowing for commercial viability. Core values of the Sahara Forest Project are illustrated through the input and output of the system. 
The Sahara Forest Project uses abundant resources like arid land, sunlight and seawater to produce key resources that are in high demand. Exiting new technologies and a new mindset when it comes to creation of valuable products will not help without capacity to turn vision into reality. The partners of the Sahara Forest Project will realize a Demonstration Centre as the first step towards a large-scale roll-out of the Sahara Forest Project.
Read about Sahara Revegitation Project
Read more at tree

Earlier attempts at vegetating sahara @ edible geography
Image from

Magnus Larsson, a student at the AA lay down his vision for vegetating and inhabiting arid land.
Read his blog 
Image from Magnus Larsson Dune: Arenaceous Anti-Desertification Architecture

1 comment:

  1. i am amazed to know about the Sahara Forest Project. Does human mind have it's ending??...
    Great project !
